What does the Quran say about Jesus?

1. Jesus was the only person to be bom of a virgin, distinguished from all humans and prophets without any exceptions: "She said, How shall I have a son, whom no mortal has touched, neither have I been unchased". He said Even so thy Lord has said: Easy is that for Me ; and that we may appoint him a sign unto men and a mercy from Us. It is a thing determined." (Mary 16-34)

2. Jesus Christ alone was distinguished from all humans by being the word of God, who is the very expression of the Self of God and His eternal Being: "The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, God's Messenger, and His Word..." (The Woman 189; House of Imran 40).

3. Jesus Christ alone emanated from the Spirit of God; for this reason He did not need a sexual, genetical birth. "The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, God's Messenger, and His word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him." (The Woman 169).

4. Jesus Christ alone, in exception to all humans, spoke while in the cradle (Mary 22-32). The Koran tells us that Christ needed no one to teach Him anything, not even how to speak. The Bible says: "Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being His counsellor hath taught Him ? With whom took He counsel, and who instructed Him, and taught Him in the path of Judgment, and taught Him knowledge and shewed to Him the way of understanding." (Isaiah 40:13-14). Naturally, no one can teach the One who emanated from God's Spirit for He is the All-knowing.

5. Jesus Christ alone was distinguished from all prophets with His infallibility and was the only one to be singled out for His perfection; for all the prophets had sinned, and their sins were mentioned in the Koran. [Adam (Tah, 116); Abraham (Poets 82); Moses (Poets 20); David (Sad, 25), and Mohammed (Victory 2, Mohammed 21, Believer 57)] However, Christ was the only exception, for "high honored shall he be in this world and the next." (House of Imran 45).

6. Jesus Christ alone was distinguished from all others in the sense that He was the creator: "I will create for you out of clay as the likeness of a bird; then I will breathe into it, and it will be a bird." (House of Imran 42).

7. Jesus Christ alone was uniquely incomparable in knowing men's secrets: "I will inform you too of what things you eat, and what you treasure up in your houses. Surely in that is a sign for you if you are believers." (House of Imran 48).

8. Jesus Christ was matchless in making the miracles and the wonders which no other could make: "And I will also heal the blind and the leper..." (House of Imran 48).

9. Jesus Christ alone could raise the dead with the word of His blessed mouth: "And I will bring to life the dead..." (House of Imran 48; The Table 110).

10. Jesus Christ alone exclusively enjoyed the prophetical title of "the Messiah": "The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was God's Messenger, and His Word committed to Mary..." (Woman 169). The Old Testament made known the real identity of the Messiah, saying: "Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth...and this is the name whereby He shall be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." (Jeremiah 23:5&6).

11. Jesus Christ alone exchanged responsibility of authority with God: "And I was a witness over them, while I remained among them; but when thou didst take me to thyself, Thou wast Thyself the watcher over them." (Table 117).

12. Jesus was the only one to become a Sign unto men and Mercy from God (Mary 20) unto men who fell under the burden and the shackles of sin; for which, God's justice and holiness condemned them to eternal perdition. For this reason the only Savior who can offer eternal salvation to men came to be a mercy from God.

13. Only Jesus Christ could give His followers high honors and assurances concerning the day of Resurrection: "I will cause thee to die, and I will raise thee to Me, and I will purify thee of those who believe not. I will set thy followers above the unbelievers till the Resurrection Day." (House of Imran 55).

14. Only Jesus will be the Judge who will come to this world to judge the living and the dead; the Arab prophet confirmed this fact, saying: 'The Last Hour will not come until the Son of Mary come down as the just Judge." (EI-Bukhari, Volume III)

Who is Christ indeed?
If you meditate on any of the Koranic verses that portray the Lord Jesus Christ, you find that they are inherent attributes that are exclusively distinctive of God; and that He did not share any of them with any human at all. Moreover, you find that the Lord Jesus Christ did not enjoy only one of those attributes, but He included all of them in His blessed person so that He may leave no doubt concerning His deity and divinity. The New Testament recorded that the All-mighty God became a perfect man, something that was easy for Him to do; and came from heaven to this our earth to save men. The Bible says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God... and the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:1&14). Then the Bible continues the portrayal of Christ saying "And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." (I Timothy 3:16).
Taken from: The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John. Comments by Dr. B. M. J., 1993.

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