صيادي الناس

Message from the Monthly Flyer September 2022

Beyond here

David was sent to the battlefield and found himself at the border of the hillside and the valley. He took in his surroundings and all the new experiences awaiting him as he stepped away from his ride. David saw the mountainside, full of soldiers, and the sounds of a chanting giant filled the air. He found himself at the border of comfort and exposure. If he went down into the valley, everything was going to change. I'm sure he looked around, looking for someone else to take control. Observing no one standing up for the cause, he came to the end of Here. Here was familiar. His skills brought him Here. Here, it was comfortable. If he took one more step toward the valley, he knew he would go beyond comfort.

As a shepherd, he saw how many times God was faithful to meet him at the end of Here and stretch beyond for the calling and purpose He placed on his life. God had proven Himself multiple times to David. David knew God would meet him beyond this point. David knew God would fight the battle for him. He just needed to step beyond Here. He kneeled down, gathered his shepherd’s tools, and met God at the end of his comfort zone to accomplish the task set before him. I can imagine the mantra chanting in his head went something like this, "The cause is worth it. The cause is worth it. Here is what I have Lord, you make up the difference as I go beyond Here."

The story ends with David, the underdog, winning an ill-fated battle. The story is captivating, a ruddy boy stepped out of his comfort zone with a few shepherd's tools and slew a giant. It proves God will meet us at the end of our comfort zone, use our current skills, and make up the difference. His cause, “Preach the Gospel to Every Nation."

God is waiting for us to step beyond HERE, beyond our borders and share The Gospel with whomever we come in contact with. Yes, we may not wax poetically. Yes, we may stumble on our words. Yes, we may not have all the answers. God didn't ask for us to be complete in ourselves, He wants us to be complete in Him. Step beyond your Here, with the skills you have, and allow God to work through you for His Glory. Run beyond your border. Sis Seneatha Clayton
صيادي الناس

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