صيادي الناس

Message from the Monthly Flyer January 2024

Remove not the ancient landmark

Proverbs 22:28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.

2 Timothy 3,16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I attended several churches of different denominations when I was a child and adolescent. They were churches that all had nice music and well-intentioned people, but I never left a service as a changed person. I remember asking questions in Sunday School class, and thinking that the answers the teachers gave me made no sense. I was hungry for a walk with God that went deeper than the surface; for something with real power. I finally found this when I made my way to an Apostolic Church at the age of 17.

The spirit of this world tells us that if we want to attract people, we need to change what we are, what we teach and preach, in order to become more accessible to them. As someone who came from the outside in, I can tell you that not only is this unbiblical, it is not even a correct viewpoint of how people feel. Had I wanted to live like the world, I would have stayed in the world. Had I just wanted to feel good about myself, I would have read a nice book or gone to a self-help class. When I needed a complete transformation of my life, I needed a church that had a strong foundation. People are not hungry for more of the same. They are hungry for an experience that will change their lives, and a lifestyle that will give them purpose and draw them closer to God.

We are commanded in Proverbs 22:28 to not remove the landmarks our fathers have set. If you are on a journey, a landmark helps to guide the path. Just as we need landmarks to get to our earthly destinations, we need them to get to our heavenly destination as well. When we begin to remove landmarks in our churches - the essentiality of the new birth, holiness, and doctrinal teachings - we are not making the path easier. We are causing people to be lost.

How can we greatly grow in 2024? By doing what the apostles did. The method hasn’t changed. Prayer, fasting, witnessing of Jesus, walking in the miraculous, and preaching the whole truth without fear, but with faith in the God who can add 3,000 to a church in one day. Grow by strengthening our foundation, and holding fast to these precious landmarks God has given us to help guide the way. That is what this world truly longs for. Sister Whitney Bateman

Happy New Year and be the church!

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